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Opening a Go Box is like receiving a mission. It will walk you through Christ mission and how you are created to be a part of that mission. It then contains different resources, ideas, and ways that you can live on mission. There will be ways to pray for the people around you, ways love your neighbor, ideas for getting involved in sharing the gospel in your community.

It is an inspirational tool, an educational resources, and an introduction to what it looks like for you to begin living on mission every day of your life.

Filling your GO BOX:

Your Go Box can be perfectly tailed for your church, ministry and city. We encourage you to be creative as you can be.

Some of the things we recommend: A Mission Letter (or introduction to the go box), Scripture (Show them that Jesus lived on mission and he wants us to live with him on mission), resources & ideas on ways to connect with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers (these are the individuals you will have regular contact with), partnering organizations that your church supports, believes, or you want your church members to be aware of.