At Radiant Church it is our desire to raise up fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. No matter where you are in life — maybe you don’t yet know who Jesus is, maybe you do but have questions, or maybe you have been following Jesus for years — we are always drawing closer in our relationship with Christ.
As followers of Jesus we should be:
Worshiping – making God famous in all that you do!
Connected – in community with other followers of Jesus.
Growing – in faith, knowledge, obedience.
Serving – understanding that you were created in God’s image and for a purpose.
Giving – your time, talents, and treasures to God.
Yielding – to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Discipling - walking with new believers, helping them grow.
"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you."
- James 4:8
What’s your next step?
As we put our faith in Christ, Scripture commands us: “Repent and be baptized..” (Acts 2:38)
Baptism is not only a declaration of our faith, but it is participation in the gospel as the Spirit of God puts to death what is sin in our lives and transforms us into a new creation.
Are you looking for a community and family of friends to grow in Christ with? In our Radiant Communities you will grow in deep relationship, pray together, study together, and serve the world together.
Once the seed of the gospel is planted within our hearts we should seek to continually be growing in our knowledge, understanding, and obedience to Christ. Often times this occurs while in relationship with another believer. If you are interested in a one-on-one relationship with a follower of Jesus to walk through life and the Word with you as you grow in Christ, we’d love to facilitate that for you.
As we begin to love God and follow Jesus, our relationship with God is restored through faith, and Christ begins transforming our lives. One thing he transforms is our heart for others. We long to take the gospel to our workplace, community, nation and world. It is in our going that we realize our purpose. Where is God calling you to go?