A collaboration of resources for churches and leaders.

Radiant Together is an attempt to provide & share resources with churches and leaders in an attempt to propel ministry effectiveness. We truly believe that we are Better Together! 

Jesus said in John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Through our love for one another, our partnership, our bearing of one another’s burden, our unified work at glorifying God the world sees that we are Christ’s disciples. Our greatest desire is that God’s glory would be seen and experienced and his kingdom advanced.

Here are a few resources we have made available to you…

Sermon Series pacakges

Graphics, Slides, & Bumper Videos all free for you to use.

Sermon Prep

A tool bag of preparation tools for crafting Sunday’s message.

Host Team

Mirror the hospitality of Jesus Christ to your community!


Equip your congregation to live on mission every day.

Studying Scritpure

Helping others grow in God’s word.


Gathering People, Casting Vision, Building the Kingdom.

Child Dedications

Parent & Congregational Commitments.

Church Planter Development

Identifying and Developing future church multipliers

Radiant Communities

Build strong & meaningful relationships around God’s Word!

Leadership Development

A strategy to help you disciple and develop leaders.

Church Planting Rhythms

Cast Vision, Inspire Change, Create Momentum.

Understanding your city

What’s going on? Where are God’s people needed?


Scripture & Principles to Guide Church Communication

Blessing Box

Inspiring people to leave the edge of their field.